Weekends & Fill-in Afternoon News
Misty Reed
Born in Kingsport, Raised in Atlanta. One of my favorite pastimes as a kid would be late at night get my old radio, tune to AM and look for stations really far away…I even recall saying as a kid…I want to work where music is always playing. I’ve been lucky to do just that at stations in Knoxville, and the Tri-Cities since 1985. I’ve worked in every genre there is, and that has helped build my eclectic taste in music over the years! I literally listen to everything, and will buy tickets to a concert before I even figure out how I will get there!!! live in a big old house with my two dogs, Penny Lane and Sydney Vicious. I also have an unusual fascination with unusual knowledge, odd days of the year, oddities, curiosities, and just plain out weird things!